I quit.
I was trying to call off my entire summer. I was figuring out how I could put all clients currently in contract on one day per week. I was shelving my summer program. I was closing the doors. Everything I was doing felt forced.
Then, I spent 5 hours with clients. Back-to-back.
With each person I spoke to, the theme was the same: How can I get MORE?
How can I have more fun and happiness?
How can I feel more fulfilled in my career?
How can I cultivate more love in my relationship?
How can I call in more abundance?
And – in my own recent journey – how can I “feel” more and be more present in my mind and body?
I got off my final call and I was BUZZED. I put on my shoes and walked out the door and went to the gym. It felt so natural.Nothing was forced. So, I thought to myself – WHY AM I QUITTING? WHAT IS MAKING ME WANT TO CLOSE MY DOORS? I just spent 5 hours doing what I loved, and I could go back for another 5. It dawned on me that I was creating a summer program that felt FORCED. BINGO!
I have a live event coming up next week (Learn more about it HERE). And I was going to call it “Goal Camp” but to be honest, that feels tired and stale. I’m just calling this CAMP. Why? Well…
When I went to summer camp (Shalom, Camp Ramah in Canada in the 1990s!), I always got “more”. I had more fun. More fulfillment. More spirituality. More friends. More creativity. More leadership. Most importantly? NOTHING FELT FORCED.
Oftentimes, we stick to the status quo and we follow through with our laundry list of to-dos because we believe we must. It all feels so forced.
NO LONGER. I am bringing camp to NYC and creating an inclusive, loving, and supportive community.Let’s come together and co-create an incredible summer in our hot, muggy, and kick-ya-in-the-crotch city of high demands. Join us!
Let’s get together and create more.
Sign up HERE:
What are you waiting for?