Hey everybody!
It’s time for Dr. Liz to pull a letter from the bag and give a dear reader an alternate perspective on a problem they are having. Let me introduce you to my buddy, Scooter.
Scooter, lovingly known as Scoots, has been looking for a new job for a while. He wanted to feel challenged and valued. So, he did what any of us would do. He applied to various jobs, he employed a head hunter, and interviewed like crazy. But.. interviewing and landing the job was only half the battle.
Now that Scooter landed the new gig, he’s facing feelings of unworthiness and wonders if he can deliver! Watch today’s video to see how I responded to Scooter (hint: I dish on GROWING PAINS and manifestation). I have a feeling you’ll benefit from it too:
We’ve all been there, right? We’ve all made it to a new level and wondered if we were actually cut out for the work. When we’re in the process, it’s sometimes hard to convince ourselves that we’re ultimately up for the challenge. But there are tools and mindset you can arm yourself with to handle it. If you haven’t watched the video yet, check it out!