Hey hot stuff!

I can’t believe that it is August already and my summer roundup is here! I had a wonderful summer. Summer in NYC is a special sauce; heat, humidity, the constant balance of “I gotta get out of this place” and “I hope I never leave”. This summer marked some significant professional achievements and I also had a lot of fun. I now share with you my 2018 Summer Roundup!



Did you know that 95% of the world’s money is managed by men? YET – women are far better with money in terms of saving and investments? This is just one takeaway from this past June when I was able to participate in an incredible day with Ellevate’s Action Summit, Mobilizing the Power of Women (and I got to hang with Debra Messing!) It was inspiring to hear so many female speakers talk about how they are making changes in the world, particularly in regards to wealth management and women in business. The Lasky Institute also hosted an amazing “Summer Camp” program that got everyone thinking what they wanted to accomplish between Memorial Day and Labor Day. I also got to see one of my favorite comedians, Kathy Griffin, and see the New York City Ballet with the Huz. It was a great month!



On a professional level, July WAS BUSY! This month was committed to creating a 21-speak event for all of you. I had the pleasure of getting to know so many people. I also spent a bunch of time in the Hamptons (hello, gorgeous sunset!) and even saw a whale! Of course, kept rockin’ my bright pink nails because they always gave me a smile



August launched my incredible summit, 21 Ways to Get What You Want: Love Edition”! You can still catch the replay. A huge thank you to Team Liz (especially Jenny Peck and Rachel Assael!) who put in months of work to create such a wonderful event. We had over 600 people join us from all over the globe! I started preparing for my teaching at Fordham University and I managed to add in a little fun too! I filmed something special (that has to do to with Bravo TV!) that I can’t wait to share with you! I caught some Broadway theater with my favorite person, my sister, and got away for a bit. I visited Toronto to see friends and family and had a wonderful time visiting Canada’s capital, Ottawa!

Now, it feels like I have pressed fast forward and fall is just around the corner. I am a sucker for fresh notebooks, changing leaves, and chunky sweaters. It is also time for Rosh Hashannah, the Jewish New Year, which is my absolute favorite holiday. I can’t wait to share my thoughts on the new year with you too.

Here’s to autumn, my favorite time of year. I can’t wait to see what we all create in the coming season.

Big Love,
Dr. Liz

PS – OK – this is KINDA HUGE. I have an announcement coming up that I am PUMPED about. This is some new level, high vibe stuff. So… just between us, I’m putting together a Love Masterclass (totally free!). Save the date for Thursday, September 20, 2018. 7-8:30pm EST. Block out the time, ok? You’re not going to want to miss it. More details to come…


Liz Lasky