


I was a different person, actually, when we first spoke. I was not even going online. I know I want to find a husband, and I want to get married, but I was not going online. I wasn’t even, you know, active ... whatever. I wanted the husband without doing the work. So, I was kind of miserable.

You pushed me to have some difficult conversations with very important people in my life, and I feel one person, and from that conversation, it turned into others that happened with my sister, and another one that happened with my boss, and it’s just like, things kept happening, and now, it’s just like, conversations with men, it’s a piece of cake.
— Alicia

Watch full interview + read the transcript below.


Alicia: Okay.
Liz: Hi.
Alicia: Hello.
Liz: How are you?
Alicia: I'm awesome.
Liz: Tell everyone your name and what you do.
Alicia: Do I have to look in there?
Liz: You can.
Alicia: Hi. My name is Alicia. I'm a CPA, and I live in New York City.
Liz: Yes.
Alicia: Okay, great.
Liz: And, you and I have worked together individually, and also in other ways, and tell everyone where you were at before we started working together.
Alicia: That was such a long time ago. I feel ... do I look here? Can I look at you instead?
Liz: Yeah.
Alicia: Okay. I feel like I was a different person, actually, when we first spoke. I was not even going online. I know I want to find a husband, and I want to get married, but I was not going online. I wasn't even, you know, active ... whatever. I wanted the husband without doing the work. So, I was kind of miserable.
Liz: You were kind of miserable. And we met, and there was a part of you that was really reluctant to work with me.
Alicia: Yes.
Liz: Tell me about that.
Alicia: Because, as I've told you, I have invested a lot of time and money in coaches. And sometimes, I feel they all say the same thing. Or, I was just like, "How do I know I'm going to get results from you?" That was my biggest concern, along with the amount, along with the dollar amount. But that, I mean ... I made it happen.
Liz: It's a lot. It's a lot.
Alicia: Exactly. But yeah, I was ... Can I drink my coffee? I was totally concerned by that, by, "Will she deliver?" You know?
Liz: Will she deliver? And I bet there are a lot of people who are watching this, thinking, I've been in programs before, I've been to coaches before, I've done this before, and now, going through the process with me, tell everyone what's different.
Alicia: Everything. Everything. I can't believe I'm ... She's not paying me to say this. But, I don't want to say what you made me do, because I might be giving away your coaching, but you pushed me to do-
Liz: You can share. You can share whatever you want.
Alicia: Nah, I'll be mysterious. You pushed me to have some difficult conversations with very important people in my life, and I feel one person, and from that conversation, it turned into others that happened with my sister, and another one that happened with my boss, and it's just like, things kept happening, and now, it's just like, conversations with men, it's a piece of cake.
Liz: Piece of cake. So, this is a totally different experience now.
Alicia: Yes.
Liz: And, from where you were before, you said you're a different person. What is life like now?
Alicia: It's happy.
Liz: It's happy.
Alicia: Like, I am a happier person. Sometimes I go to work, and ... there isn't a man yet, but inside, I feel like something shifted. And I'll go to work and people are like, I don't know-
Liz: Well, there isn't a marriage yet, but we're on our way to that, right?
Alicia: Correct. Yeah, there's lots of men I'm trying with.
Liz: We've got you dating, from zero to dating.
Alicia: Yes.
Liz: Yes.
Alicia: I forgot what question-
Liz: So, life is happy now. What's life like now?
Alicia: It's just happy. I wake up happy most of the time. I'm doing the online dating thing. I got professional pictures taken. There will be like 50 likes on my profile. It's easy to be like, "Hey, what's up?" And when they ignore me, I don't care. And when they respond, and they want to be stupid, I don't care.
Liz: What I'm hearing you say is, it's fun now. It's not a dread, it's not scary. You're having fun.
Alicia: There's a playfulness with it, you know? So it's not like, "Oh my god, I have to marry you." You know? Now it's like, "Whatever."
Liz: So, for people watching this and thinking ... you know, who were in the place that you were, like this is a big investment, this is going to be really hard, this is going to, I don't know what, this is a scary process. What do you have to say to those people who are on the fence?
Alicia: It's totally a scary process. If it was easy, I don't think it would be worth it. I like working with you because ... maybe it's because of your background. You have the credentials. You're not someone who just calls yourself a coach. I like that about you. You point things out, like a therapist does, but then you push me, you know? Because I have a therapist, and she's like, "Let's talk more about that." You do those things, but then I get, "Okay, you have homework. Let's do this."
Liz: What's the action piece, yeah.
Alicia: Yeah. That's the difference.
Liz: So, what would you say to people who are thinking of joining but might be a little bit nervous?
Alicia: Just do it. Shut up and do it. You're keeping yourself nervous, and confused because ... I don't know, I won't curse, but just show up and do it. Just do it, and trust the process, and trust you. And take the action because had I not taken the action, I don't know if I'll be ... you know what I mean?
Liz: Yes. So, is it worth it?
Alicia: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Liz: So, on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest, ten being the highest, how satisfied were you with our work together?
Alicia: An 11.
Liz: I love it. I love it.
Alicia: Exceeded ... I had told you that. You've exceeded all of my expectations. Because we spoke about things that no one ever talks about. Because it's-
Liz: The nitty gritty.
Alicia: ... taboo-
Liz: The dirty. Yeah, you've got to get into it.
Alicia: Yeah, it's very taboo. But you pointed it out, and I was like, "Oh, crap. Yeah, that's actually going on here." You know? And that's when I remember telling my friends, I was like, "Oh my god, she's awesome. She's awesome."
Liz: Tell everyone a little bit about the support that you get here. Whether it's from me, the community, the other people, the connections. What's it like being part of The Lasky Institute?
Alicia: Oh, you're awesome. Because ...
Liz: You're the best.
Alicia: You know, remember the funeral I had to go to, right? Like, even that, we spoke about it, you texted, I told you I was going to go, I didn't want to go, but I told you I was going to go. You texted me, you checked in.
Liz: I did.
Alicia: You know, it's like you're a human, you know? It sounds really strange to say that, but it's like, I feel supported. And even-
Liz: There's heart here.
Alicia: Exactly.
Liz: It's not just, "Do your work." It's not just, "Take action." It's also, we have a human side-
Alicia: Correct.
Liz: ... and we have heart.
Alicia: Yeah.
Liz: Well, you have a big heart, and I'm so proud of the work that you've done.
Alicia: Thank you.
Liz: And I know you're getting what you want in business, life, and love.
Alicia: Oh my god, I'm happy.
Liz: Thank you. You're the best.
Alicia: Thank you.  

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Liz Lasky